
Showing posts from July, 2020

Publishing on apple store

1. Configure required .plist configurations for each thirdparty plugins that you're using for the project. 2. Add required description in .plist file whether you're using that features or not. 3 . Add required capabilities by opening xCode workspace project. 4. Link required frameworks from Runner > Build Phases > Link binary with libraries 5. Product > Archive and then upload using the uploader

Signing APK file in flutter

1 . Create inside android/ file with the following contents storePassword=xxxxxxxx keyPassword=xxxxxxxx keyAlias=alias-name storeFile=C:/path/to/.keystore 2. Add the following codes inside android/app/build.gradle file def keystoreProperties = new Properties()    def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('')    if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {        keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))    } 3. Add the following codes inside android/app/build.gradle file's just after default config     signingConfigs {            release {                keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']                keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']                storeFile keystorePrope...

Basic server requirements for a typical laravel app

1 . Bitnami Lamp stack for linux or XAMPP fpr windows 2 . Cacert file in the php folder 3 . Add (PHP > 7) or (PHP < 7) in php/etc/php.ini file (Note : PHP ver 7.4.7 or newer doesn't require .so extension) 4 . The below command will download and place the required mongodb php driver for Linux which will build and install file under /php/lib/php/extensions (Linux) pecl install mongo (PPH version < 7) pecl install mongodb (PPH version > 7) (For windowsm download place it manually in the php extension folder) Run apt-get install autoconf if you haven't installed autoconf module yet then run pecl command again no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH sudo apt-get update sudo apt install build-essential sudo apt install gcc command to install C Compiler and then run pecl command again 5 . php -m to see the loaded php module...