Installing flutter on MacOS
Download flutter stable from the flutter development website
mkdir development
Then move the downloaded file to your development folder
export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"
Note : You need to be in your development folder and this only set temporary to your current terminal windows
Updating the path permanently
In your mac go to your user folder (Cmd + Shift + H from finder)
Make sure you show your hidden files by pressing (Cmd + Shift + Dot)
Open .bash_profile file to add the path permanently.
If you don't have .bash_profile or .zpofile, create one
If the following error occurs, which means you need to update your ruby version
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
ruby -v to check your current ruby version
if your ruby version is <2.4 then you need to update
curl -L | bash -s stable
source /Users/your_user_name/.rvm/scripts/rvm to update the added bashes
rvm install ruby-2.6.3
rvm use ruby-2.6.3
rvm --default use 2.6.3
gem install cocoapods
open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
Then apply development profile, select your phone and run it
Open Podfile in ios folder
uncomment platform:ios,'9.0' and change to platform:ios'10.0'.
Default platform version is 8.0 which doesn't work with most of the thirdparty plugins.
Note : Always do flutter clean once you've installed new plugins
Note : Never change Display name ("Runner") in XCode
Create new folder in user document
cd ~mkdir development
Then move the downloaded file to your development folder
Go to your development from terminal
cd developmentexport PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"
Note : You need to be in your development folder and this only set temporary to your current terminal windows
Updating the path permanently
In your mac go to your user folder (Cmd + Shift + H from finder)
Make sure you show your hidden files by pressing (Cmd + Shift + Dot)
Open .bash_profile file to add the path permanently.
If you don't have .bash_profile or .zpofile, create one
- Start up Terminal.
- Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder.
- Type "touch . bash_profile" to create your new file.
- Edit . bash_profile with your favorite editor (or you can just type "open -e . bash_profile" to open it in TextEdit).
- Type "source . bash_profile" to reload . bash_profile and update any functions you add.
Download and install android studio
Install and download android studio from and install xCode
Install xCode from app store if you haven't got it yet.
After that install xCode command line tools
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
sudo xcodebuild -license
Precahe other dependencies
flutter precacheOpen Device simulator
open -a simulator to open device simulator
and now you're ready to run your first flutter app in iOS
mkdir flutter_projects
cd flutter_projects
flutter create first_app
cd first_app
flutter run
Creating and running new flutter app
cd ~mkdir flutter_projects
cd flutter_projects
flutter create first_app
cd first_app
flutter run
Deploying flutter app to device
gem install cocoapodsIf the following error occurs, which means you need to update your ruby version
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
ruby -v to check your current ruby version
if your ruby version is <2.4 then you need to update
curl -L | bash -s stable
source /Users/your_user_name/.rvm/scripts/rvm to update the added bashes
rvm install ruby-2.6.3
rvm use ruby-2.6.3
rvm --default use 2.6.3
gem install cocoapods
Install it on the actual device
cd flutter_projects/first_appopen ios/Runner.xcworkspace
Then apply development profile, select your phone and run it
Defining Global iOS Deployment
This is the important step and if you didn't do it, you application might not run with thirdparty plugins such as facebook_loginOpen Podfile in ios folder
uncomment platform:ios,'9.0' and change to platform:ios'10.0'.
Default platform version is 8.0 which doesn't work with most of the thirdparty plugins.
Note : Always do flutter clean once you've installed new plugins
Note : Never change Display name ("Runner") in XCode
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