Integrating firebase auth

 Steps to integrate firebase auth

1 . Create new project at

2 . Authentication > Sign-in method, enable the services that you want to use

3 . If you enable Phone auth, make sure you add test phone number

     In the Authorized domains, add your domains to whitelisted localhost, etc...

Go Back to Settings > Project Settings > General to get the configuration files.

1. You apps > Add app and fill your application information. You can fill fingerprints later. You do not have to download the config file yet.

2. Once you've added the app Click on that app and now it's time to add fingerprints.

    You need to add three finger prints 

Publishing requirement for iOS

Once you've downloaded the config file for iOS, you can't just drag and drop to the iOS folder as it might not detect and will say error that google-service.plist file not found.

1 - Download the config file

2 - Open .xcproject 

3 - Add file to the project and choose the downloaded file


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