Republishing the existing packages with the new one

 Sometimes, you're using third party packages/plugins and the author is not updating the package anymore to be compatible with the latest flutter packages..

But you're using that package in a whole lots of your project and you don't want to use a similar packages, here is what you should do.

  1. Download the source code from the provided git repo or go to your project and browse the package if the git repo is not available anymore.
  2. Open pubspec.yaml file and change the name
  3. Find the old name in all files and replace it with a new name.
  4. Close the IDE and reopen it.
  5. Try to build the example project to device to make sure that the new name is working.
  6. Call dart pub publish --dry-run to check whether there are errors with the new name
  7. Finally dart pub publish to publish a new package


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